Development trend of domestic PVC industry

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The "barbaric" growth has no use for the current cable industry in China. The cable industry needs to transform from the old to the new. It needs new talents, new technologies and new capital to carry out a revolution in the original commercial strength.

The "barbaric" growth has no use for the current cable industry in China. The cable industry needs to transform from the old to the new. It needs new talents, new technologies and new capital to carry out a revolution in the original commercial strength.
Although transformation and innovation have been talked about for many years, for most cable enterprises, transformation has also become a consensus, but not much is done seriously, and the success of transformation is even rarer.
Based on the existing model, enterprises that do not see the development in ten years need to transform. Transformation means that enterprises should try to change, but change is not necessarily successful.
Under the general trend of innovation-driven China's economic growth, in the face of the domestic and foreign macroeconomic situation and the current situation of overcapacity, homogeneous competition and low-price competition in the cable industry, entrepreneurs also need to change from arbitrage entrepreneurs to innovative entrepreneurs, and innovate in talent, technology, capital and other aspects.
In the face of the new economic model, the habitual thinking of the past few decades has not kept up with the needs of the times, which is the key to the transformation and upgrading of cable enterprises. In the transformation period of cable enterprises, it is the key to cultivate complex senior talents suitable for enterprise transformation and upgrading. If the human resources policy cannot be adjusted, the enterprise development and talent development will be disconnected.
Secondly, we need to change the growth mode that mainly depends on expanding factor input and production scale, further save energy and reduce emissions through product innovation and process innovation, reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, realize the transformation of green development, and constantly improve the value and profit of enterprises. Enterprises should also pay more attention to technology composition, the composition between one new technology and another new technology. Products and services form a new value and a combination, which will be the highlight.
The competition of enterprises today and in the future depends on how entrepreneurs deal with the transformation of capital operation. In order to obtain the maximum economic benefits, it is necessary to continuously improve the operation level of capital. Especially in the transition period, the control of assets and the reasonable allocation of capital are very critical. Including today's hot "Internet plus", which is also an effective point for cable enterprises to improve the efficiency of traditional industries.
As long as the advantages of operation, channel and brand can not keep up with the competitive needs of the times, we need to change. Of course, it is painful to change from quantitative to qualitative, but it is powerful after transformation. In the transformation from excellence to excellence, cable enterprises need to constantly improve team culture, fine management process, diversified capital operation and reduce transformation risks.



capital,commercial ,revolution